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Table 3 Pathway information for clusters showing evidence of experiment-wide significant and suggestive linkage

From: Exploration of non-hierarchical classification methods combined with linkage analysis to identify loci influencing clusters of co-regulated transcripts


Number of genes in cluster

Pathway information using KEGG or GenMAPPa

Pathway information using the Ingenuity softwareb



Glutathione metabolism c, d

Glutathione metabolism

Xenobiotic metabolism signaling Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450



Smooth muscle contraction c

Circadian exercise c

Fatty acid synthesisc

Valine, leucine, and isoleucine degradation c

Blood group glycolipid biosynthesis c

Purine metabolism

Electron transport chain

Oxidative phosphorylation

G protein signaling


mRNA processing reactome

Valine, leucine, and isoleucine degradation

Oxidative phosphorylation

Purine metabolism

Xenobiotic metabolism signaling

G-protein coupled receptor signaling

cAMP-mediated signaling

PPAR signaling

B Cell receptor signaling

Blood group glycolipid biosynthesis e

Apoptosis e



Calcium signaling c

Cell cycle c

Nucleoside G protein coupling receptor c

Cell cycle

Protein ubiquitination

Intergrin signaling

Actin cytoskeleton signaling

B cell receptor signaling

Leukocyte extravasation signaling




Inflammatory responsec

IL-10 signaling

  1. aPathway information using KEGG and GenMAPP were provided in the Problem 1 data set. Pathways with more than one gene are given with the exception of the cluster 76 (inflammatory pathway).
  2. bPathways with more than one gene are given, except for cluster 82, which has 21 pathways with two genes. Information on pathways with ≥ 3 genes are given (with the exception of the blood group glycolipid biosynthesis and apoptosis pathways).
  3. cStatistically significantly associated with clusters.
  4. dPathways common to both approaches are given in bold font.
  5. eThese pathways represent two genes and have been included to show overlap between resources.