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Table 1 The algorithm for the master thread

From: Building a web-based tool to support clinical decisions in the control of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections

Procedure master (groups, screenings, treatments)

   (screeningsCT, screeningsGC) = identify the list of screening plans for CT and GC, respectively.

   (treatmentsCT, treatmentsGC) = identify the list of treatment plans for CT and GC, respectively.

   FOR I = 1 TO screeningsCT_size

      FOR J = 1 TO screeningsGC_size

         FOR K = 1 TO treatmentsCT_size

         FOR L = 1 TO treatmentsGC_size

            Create a combination of screeningsCT[I], screeningsCT[J], treatmentsCT[K], and treatmentsGC[L].

   Categorize all combinations into different types.

   Distribute each type of combinations into a slave thread.

   Wait for slave threads to finish the computation.

   Collect all results and calculate the final optimal result.

   Return the optimal result to logic handler.

End procedure master.