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Table 5 Behaviour change techniques (BCTs) frequently found to be applied in effective physical activity interventions

From: Evidence-based policy making for health promotion to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases in Moldova

Behaviour change techniques



Provide feedback about the body using an external device [78].

Demonstration of the behaviour

Provide an observable example of the performance of the behaviour for imitation [78].

Behaviour practice/rehearsal

Prompt practice or rehearsal of a behaviour in order to increase habit and skill [78].

Graded tasks

Set easy-to-perform tasks, making them progressively difficult but achievable until behaviour is performed [78].

Action planning

Prompt a detailed planning of how/where/when to perform the behaviour [78].

Instruction on how to perform the behaviour

Advise on how to perform the behaviour [78].


Set environmental or social stimulus with the purpose of prompting the behaviour [78].


Prompt self-praise or self-reward if there has been progress towards performing the behavior [78].