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Table 3 Topics proposed by Summit attendees during the ‘Creating strategies together for building a community of navigation and related services and supports in BC’ session

From: Proceedings of the BC Summit on Navigation for Children and Youth with Neurodevelopmental Differences, Disabilities, and Special Needs

• It seems that there might be navigation services happening in a variety of forms out there already. Should we perhaps do an inventory of what’s out there to create some type of map of community based an provincial navigation supports?

• How do we support Indigenous families in a culturally safe way?

• Grants, funds and sustainability.

• Having service providers meet by region to better serve families.

• A community of practice for navigators -what would that look like and how should it be built?

• More rural inclusion support/funding (Northern/West, Interior, Cariboo, Chilcotin). How can we have a stronger link to the north and rural communities?

• How do we get funding support to support the vision of more advocacy / navigators for families?

• Does anyone have news about how far the recommendation from the Select Standing Committee has gone for family navigators?

• How do we identify those who navigate, but don’t identify as navigators?

• How do we make fragmented systems more streamlined and collaborative? (i.e.: NSS AHP, CYSN, Therapy services, etc.)?

• Establish a framework for engaging local supports across systems for families and children with complex needs.

• Attitudes: Self Checking our responses to obstacles when family seeks help. What are we doing to make a system work for families who seek help?

• How to avoid/manage misinformation.

• Lots of navigational resources out there – making sure EVERYONE who needs to know, knows about them.

• Can we develop Best Practice Guidelines for the practice of navigation?

• How to create a Community or BC wide resource guide outlining community resources, grants, etc. for all special needs children/teens?

• Breaking down silos: Can we create a visual map of BC family supports?

• How do we engage with primary care providers to transfer knowledge about “navigators” to families?

• How do we create a one stop shop for families?