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Table 4 Four Themes of YouTube comments

From: Social network analysis of COVID-19 vaccine YouTube videos in Odisha, India: mapping the channel network and analyzing comment sentiment


Comment Example

Sharing Beliefs

Corona virus is not going to go away from this world. So we have to be prepared for the virus in such way, that the virus can't affect us. So right now the only cure for it we have is vaccine and masks

We all should get completely vaccinated. Mini is conveyeing the right message

Health is wealth

The person who is healthy and safe both physically and mentally, only they can help create a healthy society. My best wishes to them

Sharing Information

Covid vaccine hesitancy is addressed in this video very deliberately. While developing the covid vaccine we take 100% precautions and safety checks before opening for human use. We all need to understand the seriousness of the situation and take 2 nd dose of vaccine. It is also advisable for the exposed groups to take the third dose which is booster dose after consulting with physician. Very dynamic initiative from Swasthya plus team. Kudos

Sanitizer mask and hand

"Our government is not our enemy. It has been raising awareness about the epidemic. For this reason, they have been spending billions of rupees from the exchequer to get back to normal." Follow the Covid guidelines (government) for your benefit and your community

Everyone needs to have a sense of responsibility as citizens. We must have a strong faith and belief in the science of medicine. According to the rules of the government, vaccines need to be taken at the right time. As a result this whole society will stay safe

Safeguarding self and community

We all should get vaccinanted (sic) completely, we will stay safe and there will be less infection in our country. We have to make people understand

Mini has given a lesson to the family, stay healthy and safe, keep others healthy and safe and it can protect the world from the covid pandemic. Because, every live and every human is valuable

Take vaccine, stay safe and make other safe

We all should get vaccinanted(sic) completely, we will stay safe and there will be less infection in our country. We have to make people understand

The only way to get rid of corona is vaccine. It is really important to take both the doses of the vaccine. Because if we stay healthy and safe, we can keep our family healthy and safe and then our state, country and the then we can get rid of this virus from the whole world. Let's get vaccinated and get rid of corona and create a society as it was earlier. We need to spread awareness about corona. I am saying it again get vaccinated and remove corona

Personal Experience

Vaccination is the biggest gift. I have got vaccinated, you guys should get vaccinated too

Reactions to Video

This is incredible!

Thank u so much for share this video

Nice video