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Volume 11 Supplement 7

Emergency Preparedness and Response


Publication of this supplement has been funded by KFL&A Public Health

Ontario, Canada27/02/2017

  1. Given the steady rise of overdose morbidity and mortality in North America, and increasing frequency of sudden clusters of non-fatal and fatal overdoses in other jurisdictions, regional preparedness plans to r...

    Authors: Kieran Michael Moore, Nicholas Papadomanolakis-Pakis, Adrienne Hansen-Taugher, Tianxiu H. Guan, Brian Schwartz, Paula Stewart, Pamela Leece and Richard Bochenek
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2017 11(Suppl 7):8

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.893
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.475

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    Downloads: 640,615
    Altmetric mentions: 196