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Volume 13 Supplement 11

Selected articles from the 3rd International Symposium on Congenital Anomaly and Developmental Biology 2019 (ISCADB 2019)


Publication of this supplement has been supported by the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The articles have undergone the journal's standard peer review process for supplements. Supplement Editors did not handle the peer review of articles that they co-authored. The Supplement Editors declare that they have no competing interests.

Yogyakarta, Indonesia8-9 August 2019

Edited by Gunadi and Nur Arfian

Conference website

  1. Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis (HAEC) is a life-threatening complication of Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), that might occur preoperatively. We investigated the risk factors of preoperative HAEC.

    Authors: Dicky Yulianda, Andy Indra Sati, Akhmad Makhmudi and Gunadi
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):18
  2. Advanced glycation end products (AGE) is a toxic compound in the human body that can deteriorate health and induce an inflammatory response. One of the type of cells affected is Leydig cells, cells that produc...

    Authors: Dicky Moch Rizal, Aditya Rifqi Fauzi and Rustamaji
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):12
  3. Biofilm is one of the causes of antibiotic resistance. One of the biofilm-producing bacteria is Staphylococcus epidermidis which has been proven to infect long-term users of urinary catheters and implant devices....

    Authors: Andre Krislee, Chaerul Fadly, Dwi Aris Agung Nugrahaningsih, Titik Nuryastuti, Febri Odel Nitbani, Jumina and Eti Nurwening Sholikhah
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):19
  4. Cutaneous melanoma is a rare, aggressive skin malignancy with a high mortality rate. Although only contributing 7.6% of the cases worldwide, Asia is responsible for 18.6% of deaths from cutaneous melanoma. BRA...

    Authors: Hanggoro Tri Rinonce, Rovi Panji Mustiko Aji, Niā€™mah Hayati, Maria Fransiska Pudjohartono, Bidari Kameswari and Irianiwati
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):15
  5. Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) is a common cause of health-care associated infections (HAIs) and has high levels of antibiotic resistance. These bacteria are well-known for their ability to produce biofilm...

    Authors: Hera Nirwati, Kian Sinanjung, Fahrina Fahrunissa, Fernando Wijaya, Sarastia Napitupulu, Vania P. Hati, Mohamad S. Hakim, Andreanita Meliala, Abu T. Aman and Titik Nuryastuti
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):20
  6. Keloids develop due to hyperactivity of keloid fibroblast (KF) in proliferation, migration, and collagen deposition along with low rates of collagen degradation. These are a result of the Wnt/Ī² catenin signali...

    Authors: Ishandono Dachlan, Yohanes Widodo Wirohadidjojo, Mae Sri Hartati Wahyuningsih, Teguh Aryandono, Hardyanto Soebono and Dwiki Afandy
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):14
  7. Patients with congenital heart disease require surgery to correct the cardiac defect they had in order to prevent heart failure. Unfortunately, data regarding outcome of adult CHD in Indonesia is still limited...

    Authors: Juni Kurniawaty and Yunita Widyastuti
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):16
  8. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a fatal X-linked recessive neuromuscular disease, characterized by progressive loss of muscle strength. Respiratory failure is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in ...

    Authors: Kristy Iskandar, Sunartini, Andika Priamas Nugrahanto, Nissya Ilma, Alvin Santoso Kalim, Guritno Adistyawan, Siswanto and Roni Naning
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):21
  9. Abdominal tuberculosis is an uncommon variant of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. It accounts for 3.5% of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis is still a challenge due to its non-specif...

    Authors: Moh Nailul Fahmi and Annisaa Pelita Harti
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):13
  10. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the metabolic diseases which leads to fatty tissue injury, and consequently inducing lipotoxicity and cellular senescence. This condition contributes to endothelial dysfunction...

    Authors: Nur Arfian, Wiwit Ananda Wahyu Setyaningsih, Muhammad Mansyur Romi and Dwi Cahyani Ratna Sari
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2019 13(Suppl 11):17

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