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Volume 5 Supplement 3

Proceedings of the 14th European workshop on QTL mapping and marker assisted selection (QTL-MAS)


Edited by Maciej Szydlowski

Publication of this supplement was supported by Animal Breeding and Inseminating Centre Ltd, Bydgoszcz, Poland.

14th QTL-MAS Workshop. Go to conference site.

Poznan, Poland17-18 May 2010

  1. For the XIV QTLMAS workshop, a dataset for traits with complex genetic architecture has been simulated and released for analyses by participants. One of the tasks was to estimate direct genomic values for indi...

    Authors: Marcin Pszczola, Tomasz Strabel, Anna Wolc, Sebastian Mucha and Maciej Szydlowski
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2011 5(Suppl 3):S1
  2. A quantitative and a binary trait for the 14th QTLMAS 2010 workshop were simulated under a model which combined additive inheritance, epistasis and imprinting. This paper aimed to compare results submitted by the...

    Authors: Sebastian Mucha, Marcin Pszczoła, Tomasz Strabel, Anna Wolc, Paulina Paczyńska and Maciej Szydlowski
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2011 5(Suppl 3):S2
  3. Objective was to simulate the data for the QTLMAS 2010 Workshop under a model that includes major additive, epistatic and parent-of-origin effects.

    Authors: Maciej Szydlowski and Paulina Paczyńska
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2011 5(Suppl 3):S3
  4. There is wide interest in calculating genomic breeding values (GEBVs) in livestock using dense, genome-wide SNP data. The general framework for genomic selection assumes all individuals are genotyped at high-d...

    Authors: Matthew A Cleveland, John M Hickey and Brian P Kinghorn
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2011 5(Suppl 3):S6
  5. It has been shown that if genetic relationships among individuals are not taken into account for genome wide association studies, this may lead to false positives. To address this problem, we used Genome-wide ...

    Authors: Burak Karacaƶren, Tomi Silander, JosƩ M Ɓlvarez-Castro, Chris S Haley and Dirk Jan de Koning
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2011 5(Suppl 3):S8
  6. Accurate prediction of genomic breeding values (GEBVs) requires numerous markers. However, predictive accuracy can be enhanced by excluding markers with no effects or with inconsistent effects among crosses th...

    Authors: Torben Schulz-Streeck, Joseph O Ogutu and Hans-Peter Piepho
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2011 5(Suppl 3):S12
  7. Bayesian methods allow prediction of genomic breeding values (GEBVs) using high-density single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering the whole genome with effective shrinkage of SNP effects using appropriat...

    Authors: Xiaochen Sun, David Habier, Rohan L Fernando, Dorian J Garrick and Jack CM Dekkers
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2011 5(Suppl 3):S13
  8. Genome-wide dense markers have been used to detect genes and estimate relative genetic values. Among many methods, Bayesian techniques have been widely used and shown to be powerful in genome-wide breeding val...

    Authors: Xia Shen, Lars RƶnnegĆ„rd and Ɩrjan Carlborg
    Citation: BMC Proceedings 2011 5(Suppl 3):S14

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